I wonder what else have we bred out of the domestic house cat over all these centuries? I look at my cat Tiger and see the ancestry of vicious animals, vicious not out of malice, but nature. We sifted this from their feline-ness, and now they are docile. But what else was the cost of this sieving – what wheat was lost in the discard of chaff?
And of humans… who has domesticated us? What master, keeper, benefactor has culled us? Are we of a finer nature… or worse off? What if we left it solely up to the Lion to domesticate itself… could this be possible? Yet we believe it is so with us… perhaps our consciousness makes us fools.
In nature, what loves should be left to love; what hates should be left to hate… Perhaps, we try to interfere with ourselves and wild animals when we should bow to the master of compassion.
A lion will never eat me because it hates me.