Missing Men

I’d no real idea what I was looking at – it seems a sublime visage foretells the future, more than it reveals the present moment. There is one channel, many rivers…best not to confuse the two.

Suffice to say, men have their own complexity – too often dismissed as confusion, or reactiveness. I’ve noted some of my greatest male friends pick up on some mystic scent when they – by others’ or their own self accounting – never thought it possible. The great men are comfortable with this… being both a man’s man and a woman’s man… or just spirit.

I find that men can be quite critical of their own gender… less than when they see themselves through their feminine qualities and more so when they see themselves through male qualities.

This does not mean we should rush out and go all furry bunny with our feminine side (fear not – Shakti will find its way into mens consciousness on her own – she’s VERY strong willed…and welcomed.) No, I rather think we need to sometimes hone the male energy (Shiva). I’m no expert in tantra – and we might not look so hard at male and female as gender differences, but rather as complementary and unique qualities of a single being. Each part, Shiva and Shakti, their own whole. As a singular man, we are less two lovers, than one and one.

I’m a bit weary – I feel like I need to take a trip to the desert with a few male buddies and bang drums, howl at the moon, yell, run, and then go silent…

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About skipavm@gmail.com

I'm just a seeker
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