Is there Art before the painting
Is there Beauty before the face
Is there Fear before the rattling saber
…Pain before the thorn.
Will you Die before you die
Can you know the Essence before it’s manifest
Will you Be before you become
Is there truth before the word.
Is there Human nature before the human
Life before a clot of blood and clay
Will You fly before you rise
Is there a Silence before your name.
May you return to Eternity before you leave us forever
Will you Die before you die
Are you Adam, are you the one who calls himself Khamosh
are you Shams, are you his ghost.
We will kiss across a thousand miles, but our lips shall never meet
And a Rose will shed its petals, and remain red for hundred ages
I knew your essence before you penned your poems
In your passing, you came to life among the sages.
You are my entrance and my exit
I am wandering through your doors.
you are “the ocean walking behind the river”
you are the wave upon my shores.